“Authenticity in the language classroom”

2016-02-02 11:02:42 273

On January 29, 2016 the teachers of the chair of English phonetics and grammar Aigul Joroeva and Anara Tajibaeva organized and conducted a methodological seminar for the teachers under the title “Authenticity in the language classroom”. The teachers shared their knowledge acquired during 10 week online course with the university Oregon, USA with others. The purpose of the seminar was to introduce the effective ways of using authentic materials which help bring the real world into the classroom and significantly enliven the ESL class. The seminar was held in 2 parts: theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part a senior teacher of English A.Joroeva presented the sources of authentic materials, the criteria for selecting and using them in the classroom using the PP. A. Tajibaeva conducted the practical part of the seminar where the teachers were involved in and willingly fulfilled the tasks. This seminar gave food for thought to all the teachers in conducting lessons.