"Critical thinking in language learning" ; "Creative writing in teaching young learners"; "Lesson planning"; "Film without sound"; "Teaching vocabulary"; "Teaching Portfolio for children with disabilities".

2016-11-22 13:17:05 265

On, November 18-19, 2016 there was held regional conference on the theme “Interactive teaching and Learning Techniques for Young Learners and children with Disabilities at the faculty of foreign languages of OshSU. It was funded by US Ambassy, Forum, Microscholarship Program Access. There took part school teachers from Aravan, Nookat, Jalal-Abad, Batken, Uzgen and university teachers and trainers from Lingua School (Bishkek) Anara Bocholoeva, Saadat Badalova, English language Fellows Johnatan Mettille and Sean Fraherty. At this conference were discussed following themes: “Critical thinking in language learning ; Creative writing in teaching young learners; Lesson planning; Film without sound; Teaching vocabulary; Teaching Portfolio for children with disabilities. Teachers from the chair of English Phonetics and Grammar A.Akmatova, Z.Kalmamatova, D.Murzubraimova, R.Ismailova, B.Turgunbaeva, M.Nazarova, N.Ermekbaeva, G.Ergeshova, M.Isakova, D.Kasymova, G.Karataeva, T.Attokurova, V.Toktorova, M.Bakirova. it was a great chance for participants to use new methods in teaching children with disabilities and sharing experiences.