“Different people one world ”

2017-10-25 10:16:49 281

On the 24th of October, in Osh city was realized a project under the title “Different people one world ” diverted to the strengthening the relationships between different ethnic groups living in Kyrgyzstan. This heartwarming event was organized by SaferWorld, The Fund of International Tolerance and the students of OshSU, Faculty of foreign languages and culture, group EIR2-16, and with European Union’s financial support. The event consisted 2 main parts: the fair of national items and dishes, a concert prepared by 10 ethnic Diasporas: living in Osh. As a spectators were: citizens of Osh, students of different universities and guests from other regions. Also several local mass media reporters witnessed this activities. Seeing smiles on the faces, seeing people hugging each other’s, seeing how warm the created atmosphere was want to say: “How nice is our peaceful world, let’s save it!!!!”